How to find a good internship for students.

Just like others, you may be wondering how and where you can find one. Improving your chances of landing a college internship often begins with finding (and applying for) as many as possible – as long as they are relevant to your career goals. The greater your options, the better your chances. There are numerous places to look for college internships.

  1. Begin by inquiring about internships for college students at your school. Your school should always be your first stop when looking for internships. Speak with your advisor, who can point you in the right direction for upcoming internships for college students and tell you which internships will count towards your degree requirements. Your school may also have a career services department that can provide you with more information on upcoming student internships. Sign up for their email list or newsletters and keep an eye out for internship opportunities.
  2. On company websites, look for college internships. Is there a particular company you’ve always wanted to work for? Examine national and local businesses of interest. Make a list of the companies where you want to intern, and then go to their websites. Examine the company’s website for a careers page and see if there is a separate section for internships. Set a calendar reminder to check these pages once a week, and you’ll be notified as soon as they’re announced, allowing you to begin the application process as soon as possible.
  3. Look for internships for college students on online job boards. There are numerous online job boards, including Monster, Glassdoor, Indeed, and CareerBuilder, among many others. These aren’t just job search websites; they’re also a great source for college internships. Narrow your search criteria to only include internships, or add the word “internship” to any job search phrase that matches your requirements.
  4. Find a college internship using Google. Googling “internships near me” may yield a plethora of results. You may even add your specialisation or your preference in such work to get more researched or detailed results. Planning your niche in a flowchart or a systematic manner might help you understand your own niche properly and help you land to a suitable work place.
  5. Student internships can be found on social media. LinkedIn is the most popular social media platform for professionals of all levels, from college students to senior executives. Furthermore, many companies use LinkedIn solely for job postings, including internships for students. Other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are also useful. Many businesses will use social media to announce job openings and internship opportunities.
  6. Inquire with your family and friends about college internships. Networking entails not only connecting with professionals both online and offline, but also reaching out to your other close network: friends and family. Tell everyone you know that you want to do an internship in college. If a friend, parent, or other family member learns of an upcoming internship at the company for which they work, they can keep you informed. If you apply, someone at the company will almost certainly be willing to give you a glowing recommendation. When it comes to jobs and internships, word of mouth can go a long way, so don’t underestimate its power.
  7. A college internship could be found at a career fair. Many hiring managers will be impressed that you ventured away from campus (and the virtual world) in search of a college internship. Bring your resume and be prepared to spend the day networking.You should practise talking to businesses that aren’t as interesting to you first, so you can feel confident before approaching your dream companies.


There is no doubt that internships help you to stand out from your fellow batchmates, get on the edge, and gain experience, but finding your desired internship that is related to your niche can be difficult in a sea of job opportunities. Don’t worry, just remember that your internship is right around the corner and all you have to do is find it. Avoid carrying out internships for money because the purpose of an internship is to expose you to a real-life business environment and gain experience, not to make you rich. They are only intended to give you a taste of what you’re going to expect once you enter the business world.

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